30 Day code challenge-python


Day 11— 2D Arrays


Calculate the hourglass sum for every hourglass in an array, then print the maximum hourglass sum

Sample input and output

Input Format

There are lines 6 of input, where each line contains 6 space-separated integers that describe the 2D Array A.

Output Format

Print the maximum hourglass sum in A.



Line 1–4: Creates a 2D Array of size 6 x 6

Line 16–17: Loops through the array from row 1–5 and column 1- 5

Line 18: Calls the hourglass_sum function where the function calculates the sum of hourglass and finally returns the maximum value. _sum = -63 because that’s the least hourglass_sum an array can hold.

Bonus Tip: Hourglass_sum can’t present in first row, last row, first column and last column

See you on Day 12



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